The Brave Series is a franchise started by Studio Sunrise in the early 90s. The series was an attempt of the studio to start a much lighter hearted franchise than the direction their other franchises like Gundam went during that time period. While shows like Gundam went a very brutal / death & destruction focused route, the brave series was intended to be a very light super hero franchise that can be enjoyed by both kids and adults. The series started with its first entry "Yuusha Exkaiser" in 1990 and spawned numerous long Mecha shows over the coming years.
All big series in the Brave Series are unrelated to each other, meaning they can be watched completely unrelated to each other. The only cases where entries need to be watched in order is when they are part of the same part, for example GaoGaiGar and all subsequent GaoGaiGar entries.
Note: Since most, if not all entries start with "Brave" in English or "Yuusha" in Japanese those parts are left out of the title
Note 2: GaoGaiGar Final and GaoGaiGar Final Grand Glorious Gathering are the same stories as alternative versions
Note 3: In the GaoGaiGar Universe there is also another TV Series called Betterman that is related to GaoGaiGar Final Project Z
Type | Entry | Episodes | Start Date |
TV | Exkaiser | 48 | Feb 03 1990 |
TV | The Sun Fighbird | 48 | Feb 02 1991 |
TV | Legendary DaGarn | 46 | Feb 08 1992 |
TV | Express Might Gaine | 47 | Jan 30 1993 |
TV | Police J-Decker | 48 | Feb 05 1994 |
TV | Gold Goldran | 48 | Feb 04 1995 |
TV | Command Dagwon | 48 | Feb 03 1996 |
TV | King GaoGaiGar | 49 | Feb 01 1997 |
OVA | King GaoGaiGar Final | 8 | Jan 21 2000 |
TV | King GaoGaiGar Final Grand Glorious Gathering | 12 | Apr 11 2005 |
Special | King GaoGaiGar Final Project Z | 1 | Mar 24 2006 |