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Monogatari Series

The Monogatari Series is a light novel series by renowned author NISIOISIN, spanning over 10 anime series and 3 movies as of writing this document. The series can be split into 3 "seasons" each having multiple anime entries. Considering the not very straightforward timeline of Monogatari, the watchorder of this series is always a big discussion. Some people say you should watch the series in chronological order, some say you should watch them in release order. The suggested watch-order overall is the release order, as it also resembles the release order of the novels. This document includes the release order (moving Kizu), a semi-chronological watch order, meaning the full series at it's respective place in the chronological order and the series fully chronologically, meaning episode by episode as it plays in the series chronology (not recommended to watch it like this).


The plot centers on Koyomi Araragi, a third-year high school student who survives a vampire attack and finds himself helping girls involved with a variety of apparitions, ghosts, beasts, spirits, and other supernatural phenomena, which often serve as proxies for their emotional and mental issues. (Source: Wikipedia)


Note: The Kizumonogatari Movies were initially supposed to air after Bakemonogatari, as that is where the Novel got published. Due to delays and production the movies got released way later. In this document they are placed at the spot of their novel-counterpart.

First Season

Type Entry Episodes Start Date
TV Bakemonogatari 1 - 15 Jul 03 2009
Movie Kizumonogatari Part 1: Tekketsu 1 Jan 08 2016
Movie Kizumonogatari Part 2: Nekketsu 1 Aug 19 2016
Movie Kizumonogatari Part 3: Reiketsu 1 Jan 06 2017
TV Nisemonogatari 1 - 11 Jan 08 2012
TV Nekomonogatari (Black) 1 - 4 Dec 31 2012

Second Season

Type Entry Episodes Start Date
TV Monogatari Series: Second Season 1 - 26 Jul 07 2013
TV Hanamonogatari 1 - 5 Aug 16 2014

Final Season

Type Entry Episodes Start Date
TV Tsukimonogatari 1 - 4 Dec 31 2014
TV Owarimonogatari 1 - 12 Oct 04 2015
ONA Koyomimonogatari 1 - 12 Jan 09 2016
TV Owarimonogatari Second Season 1 - 7 Aug 12 2017
OVA Zoku Owarimonogatari 1 - 6 Feb 27 2019


Note: The only difference to the release order is the first season. Both second season and final season are in exactly the same order.

First Season

Type Entry Episodes Start Date
Movie Kizumonogatari Part 1: Tekketsu 1 Jan 08 2016
Movie Kizumonogatari Part 2: Nekketsu 1 Aug 19 2016
Movie Kizumonogatari Part 3: Reiketsu 1 Jan 06 2017
TV Nekomonogatari (Black) 1 - 4 Dec 31 2012
TV Bakemonogatari 1 - 15 Jul 03 2009
TV Nisemonogatari 1 - 11 Jan 08 2012

Second Season

Type Entry Episodes Start Date
TV Monogatari Series: Second Season 1 - 26 Jul 07 2013
TV Hanamonogatari 1 - 5 Aug 16 2014

Final Season

Type Entry Episodes Start Date
TV Tsukimonogatari 1 - 4 Dec 31 2014
TV Owarimonogatari 1 - 12 Oct 04 2015
ONA Koyomimonogatari 1 - 12 Jan 09 2016
TV Owarimonogatari Second Season 1 - 7 Aug 12 2017
OVA Zoku Owarimonogatari 1 - 6 Feb 27 2019


Note: This order is ONLY recommended as a rewatch. This order does not work for a first watch and generally isn't recommended

Type Entry Episodes
Movie Kizumonogatari Part 1: Tekketsu 1
Movie Kizumonogatari Part 2: Nekketsu 1
Movie Kizumonogatari Part 3: Reiketsu 1
ONA Koyomimonogatari 1
TV Nekomonogatari (Black) 1 - 4
TV Bakemonogatari 1 - 2
ONA Koyomimonogatari 2
TV Bakemonogatari 3 - 15
ONA Koyomimonogatari 3 - 4
TV Nisemonogatari 1 - 7
ONA Koyomimonogatari 5
TV Nisemonogatari 8 - 11
TV Monogatari Series: Second Season 7 - 10
TV Monogatari Series: Second Season 17 - 20
TV Monogatari Series: Second Season 1 - 5
TV Owarimonogatari 8 - 12
ONA Koyomimonogatari 6 - 7
TV Owarimonogatari 1 - 7
ONA Koyomimonogatari 8
TV Monogatari Series: Second Season 12 - 15
ONA Koyomimonogatari 9
TV Monogatari Series: Second Season 21 - 26
ONA Koyomimonogatari 10
TV Tsukimonogatari 1 - 4
ONA Koyomimonogatari 11 - 12
TV Owarimonogatari Second Season 1 - 7
OVA Zoku Owarimonogatari 1 - 6
TV Hanamonogatari 1 - 5