Slam Dunk is an anime series adapting Takehiko Inoue's manga by the same name. Slam Dunk was Takehiko Inoues first big manga hit after being an assistant on City Hunter and ultimately led to his major success as an author. The adaptation has spanned over 100 episodes and a few side story movies have been made, ultimately ending with the final arc of the manga being adapted into 2022s THE FIRST SLAM DUNK.
Type | Entry | Episodes | Start Date |
TV | Slam Dunk | 1 - 19 | Oct 16 1993 |
Movie | Slam Dunk: The Movie | 1 | Mar 12 1994 |
TV | Slam Dunk | 20 - 34 | |
Movie | National Domination! Sakuragi Hanamichi | 1 | Aug 20 1994 |
TV | Slam Dunk | 35 - 58 | |
Movie | Shohoku Maximum Crisis! Burn Sakuragi Hanamichi | 1 | Mar 04 1995 |
TV | Slam Dunk | 59 - 74 | |
Movie | Roar!! Basket Man Spirit | 1 | Jul 15 1995 |
TV | Slam Dunk | 75 - 101 | |
Movie | THE FIRST SLAM DUNK | 1 | Dec 03 2022 |